+36 70 516 3244|titkarsag@mab.hu
Internal quality2024-03-26T13:52:55+00:00


Mission Statement

The main task of HAC is to evaluate and foster high level teaching and learning in Hungarian higher education institutions, and to deliver quality assurance that supports each level and each participant of higher education. During its operation, HAC considers the legislation on higher education, performs its dedicated tasks, complies with the criteria set in the ESG 2015, and applies the objective, complex and up-to-date criteria developed by the HAC expert commissions and Board. With its activities, HAC reinforces its independent operation, and applies, develops and/or adapts a methodology in evaluation in line with international standards. HAC expert activities, accreditation, analysis and decision-making are built on an objective criteria framework, all activities are independent, unbiased, non-political, and follow the principal values set out in international standards. HAC seeks to enhance the internal quality culture of higher education institutions with its activities, thus helping to improve the quality of Hungarian higher education and its international recognition. When performing its tasks, HAC consistently applies the quality assurance criteria set down inthe ESG 2015 and the values held by ENQA:
(1) transparency:HAC publishes its decisions and the principles its analyses are based on, discloses its resolutions and the criteria used in decision making and analysis;
(2) independence:independent operation ensures the quality and recognition of the HAC’s work, while institutional independence ensures the respect and support forthe autonomy of higher education institutions;
(3) cooperation:HAC regularly consults the stakeholdersof higher education, cooperates with higher education representative organizations, partner organizations in quality assurance, and key international organizations;
(4) integrity:during its operation, HAC acts in an irreproachable, just, fair, impartial, objective and professional way.