The MAB Webinar Series 2022 online event in March focused on quality assurance of the European Universities Initiative. From an agency and institutional perspective, guest speakers and participants shared their experiences and views on the accreditation processes of the European University Alliances joint programmes.
The guest speakers of the English-language webinar held on 9 March 2022 were Prof. Daniela Cristina Ghitulica, Vice President of ENQA and ARACIS, and Dr. Ferenc Takó, Head of the ELTE CHARM-EU Office. The two opening presentations and the subsequent discussion covered topics such as the challenges of quality assurance of joint programmes in the European Higher Education Area, the harmonisation of national frameworks with ESG, and cross-border QA. The accreditation of the CHARM-EU master’s programme (Global Challenges for Sustainability), which started in September 2021, was presented as a specific example. The webinar also included the key attempts to overcome barriers to quality assurance of joint programmes, such as the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, and the results of the ImpEA and EUniQ projects.
MAB pays particular attention to the European Universities Initiative, whose two closed calls for proposals have so far resulted in 11 Hungarian universities becoming consortium leaders or partners in the alliances. The online event, which was attended by representatives of ministries and universities, national and international partner organisations, quality assurance agencies of ENQA, CEENQA and experts, supported the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders in the initiative and encouraged dialogue between the partners concerned.