+36 70 516 3244|titkarsag@mab.hu

HATÁROZATOK-Párhuzamos programakkreditáció en

MAB Resolutions no. 2017/3/IX

In the process of programme accreditation in disciplinary clusters, the MAB decided to abandon or postpone the follow-up procedures of certain bachelor and master programmes in the field of economics at the following higher education institutions: BCE, BGE, BME, EF, EKE, KE, ME, METU, PPKE, PTE, SZE, SZIE.

MAB Resolution no. 2016/1/VII.

In the field of economics, the MAB assessed the bachelor and master programmes of the following higher education institutions in a procedure of programme accreditation in disciplinary clusters: ANNYE, BCE, BGE, BME, CEU, DE, DUE, EF, EJF, EKF, ELTE, GDF, IBS, KE, KJF, KRF, ME, MET, NKE, NYE, NYME, OE, PE, PPKE, PTE, SZE, SZF, SZIE, SZTE, TPF, WSUF, ZSKF.

2021-05-06T09:55:23+00:002020. december 9.|