+36 70 516 3244|titkarsag@mab.hu


The first issue of the Hungarian Accreditation Review of 20242024-06-03T15:54:22+00:00
The first issue of the Hungarian Accreditation Review of 20232024-06-03T15:50:06+00:00
The fourth issue of the Hungarian Accreditation Review2024-03-26T13:54:04+00:00
The third issue of the Hungarian Accreditation Review2024-03-26T13:54:04+00:00
The second issue of the Hungarian Accreditation Review2021-05-26T07:22:15+00:00
The first issue of the Hungarian Accreditation Review2021-05-26T07:20:17+00:00
Lectures for 20242024-07-12T13:20:48+00:00

2024. július 11. MAB 30 JUBILEE CONFERENCE

Lectures for 20232024-07-12T09:33:32+00:00

March 29, 2023, OECD TSI conference – Győr

March 9, 2023, „Role of accreditation in an effective higher education”

Lectures for 20222024-03-26T13:54:04+00:00

October 4, 2022, National Roundtable on Policy Options for Hungary to Assure the Quality of Digital Higher Education

June 22-24, 2022, The Hungarian Accreditation Committee’s (MAB) WFME 2020-based accreditation standards with a focus on quality assurance and assessment – Péter Levente Lakatos

May 20, 2022, Presentation on the WFME accreditation procedure of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee – Péter Levente Lakatos, Anna Szombathelyi

May 18, 2022, CEENQA Bi-Monthly Meeting: Presentation of MAB – Péter Levente Lakatos

March 9, 2022, MAB Webinar Series 2022: European Universities Initiative. Keynote speakers: Cristina Ghitulica, Ferenc Takó

Lectures for 20212024-03-26T13:54:04+00:00

2021. november 18.: DG Reform – TSI webinar, Supporting Quality Digital Higher Education In Hungary: Findings to Date and What’s Next – Péter Levente Lakatos

April 28, 2021 Presentation of ENQA Board Member, International Specialist about ENQA at the Asian AQAN Network Strategy Workshop- Krisztina Rozsnyai

Lectures for 20202024-03-26T13:54:04+00:00

ITEAC 2020 – IV. Summary Volume of the International Teacher Education Accreditation Conference- Valéria Csépe

November 4-5, 2020 International conference of Stipendium Hungaricum Operational Partners 2020 conference– Péter Levente Lakatos

September 24, 2020 Support for the Digital Transformation of Hungarian Higher Education– Valéria Csépe

June 24, 2020 Practical experience of implementing distance learning in higher education – Valéria Csépe

February 20, 2020 HÖOK conference – Valéria Csépe
